WWE will implement a policy of consensual relationship in June 2023

March 26, 2024 | By Administrator | Filed in: Wrestling, WWE.

WWE will implement a policy of consensual relationship in June 2023 in todays Wrestling news

WWE will implement a policy of consensual relationship in June 2023 in todays Wrestling news

The three-page document was made public for first time.

WWE’s policy regarding consensual relationships was made public.

Brandon Thurston and John Pollock released a three-page document on Tuesday detailing the company’s position on romantic or intimate relations in the workplace.

The policy was created in June 2023 when Vince McMahon was WWE’s executive Chairman.

It reads as follows:

WWE has developed the following guidelines and policy to promote a productive workplace, free of conflicts, favoritism, and unfair advantages, whether perceived or actual. This policy applies to every employee, regardless of their rank or title.

All employees must be aware of the potential negative consequences that can result from romantic, intimate or sexual relationships at work. Consensual relationships may compromise supervisory responsibility or create the possibility of abuse of authority. They can also cause problems because of perceptions of favoritism. This policy specifies how to resolve conflicts and the situations in which consensual relationships should be prohibited.

A consensual relation is any romantic, intimate or sexual relationship to which both parties consent. Consensual relations that may be acceptable under other circumstances, might not be appropriate when one party has institutional responsibility, authority, or influence over the others or is involved in evaluating the other.

The situations covered by this policy are distinct from sexual harassment which is covered by WWE’s Equal Opportunity and Non-Harassment Policy which can be found in The Ring.

Requirements of Employees in a Consensual relationship.

If an employee enters or is in a consensual relation with another employee, the two employees must:

Report the relationship to Human Resources

Co-operate in any actions taken to resolve any conflict of interest.

Human Resources may need the assistance of an executive or manager in assessing any conflict and resolving it. Among the ways to address conflicts are:

Transferring an individual to another position.

Transferring supervisory or decision-making responsibilities, or advisory or evaluative responsibilities.

Provide an additional layer to the supervisory function.

After a conflict has been resolved, the employee who entered into a consensual relation will certify that he/she has read and understood the Consensual Relations Policy and agrees to the expectations and requirements of WWE in terms of professionalism. (See below.)

Affiliated Individuals

WWE has relationships with “affiliated persons” which include independent contractors, interns, temporary employees, vendors, and other individuals with whom it contracts. Employees who have a consensual relation with an affiliated individual are required to adhere to the Consensual Relations Policy.

Prohibitions regarding Consensual Relationships

When effective arrangements cannot be made to resolve the conflict, it is prohibited to engage in a relationship of consent.

Employees are not allowed to conduct performance evaluations or make decisions about salary, promotion or tenure for someone with whom they have or had a consensual relation.

An employee may not have any responsibility (instructional or evaluative) for an affiliated individual with whom they have or had a consenting relationship.

WWE strongly discourages any consensual relationship involving any WWE board member, or executive team members such as the CEO or President, CFO or Chief Content Officer or Chief Legal Officer or Chief Human Resources Officer.

These relationships can compromise the integrity and responsibility of supervisors, and can create the possibility of abuse of authority or perceptions. If an executive team member has a consensual arrangement, this must be disclosed to the Lead Independent Board Director, as well as the Chief HR Officer. In the event that a WWE Board Member is involved in a similar consensual relationship it must be disclosed to the Chief Legal Officer and CEO, as well as the Chief HR Officer.

Employees are encouraged report any concerns they may have about this policy, any violations of law or WWE policies or any ethical concerns. You can reach the hotline at any time via a secure website, I or a dedicated phone number available 24/7/365.

Retaliation is prohibited against employees who raise concerns about consensual relations. This policy prohibits it.

Failure to comply

Violations of this policy can result in disciplinary actions up to and including termination.

Post Wrestling spoke to Dr. Lisa Mainiero about the policy. Mainiero is the author of several books on gender and power dynamics within professional settings. She claims that WWE’s policy is not comprehensive enough.

After reviewing the document, she stated that it was “okay” but still insufficient. “However [WWE] didn’t address the issue of hierarchy relationships,” where one party in the relationship is under the other. This is a conflict of interests.”

Post also spoke to Michael Z. Green, Director of Workplace Law Program of Texas A&M University School of Law’s Workplace Law Program, spoke with Post about the policy. He also said that the policy is not comprehensive enough, especially those listed under “Prohibitions Regarding Conscientious Relationships.”

“[I]t [should] say that if such an officer attempts to engage in a consentual relationship with subordinates or engages in a purported consentual relationship with subordinates, the WWE may consider such actions as bad judgment and cause for immediate termination of the executive position held by the person.”

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