Vince McMahon files a motion to compel arbitration for Janel Grant’s lawsuit

April 23, 2024 | By Administrator | Filed in: Wrestling, WWE.

Vince McMahon files a motion to compel arbitration for Janel Grant's lawsuit in todays Wrestling news

Vince McMahon files a motion to compel arbitration for Janel Grant’s lawsuit in todays Wrestling news

McMahon’s lawyers claim Grant has signed a legally binding NDA.

The legal team of Vince McMahon claims that the NDA Janel Grant agreed to in 2021 contains a clause requiring binding arbitration.

McMahon filed in the District of Connecticut a motion on Tuesday to compel Grant’s suit to arbitration. McMahon wants the court to recognize an arbitration clause, and send the case to private arbitration hearings before an independent arbitrator instead of litigation.

This type of motion is described by Trellis Law as “typically” being made when a party believes that the mere mention of evidence during trial could be highly prejudicial, and an instruction to ignore it would not be sufficient.

The filing today by McMahon’s team is as follows:

Plaintiff has blatantly and deliberately violated an arbitration contract by filing a salacious, false, and defamatory complaint.

The filing continues to claim that McMahon, Grant and their relationship was consensual and refers to the “love-letter” she wrote him in 2021 to prove this.

Plaintiff’s false accusations are not true. Plaintiff and Defendant were in a relationship that was consensual. Defendant did not coerce Plaintiff into anything or mistreat her in any way. In a letter Plaintiff sent to Defendant, shortly before the Parties broke up, Plaintiff praised Defendant for being “[m]y love, my best friend and my everything” and praised him for the “wonderful and tender soul you are.”

The filing refutes Grant’s claims that she was in financial difficulty or was a full time caregiver prior to her relationship with McMahon.

Plaintiff did not have to “deal with profound grief (from the death of her parents) and struggle financially” as described by her Complaint, nor had she “dedicated years to round-the-clock caring for her parents” as claimed in her Complaint.

These statements are false. According to a foreclosure case against Plaintiff and her parent, Plaintiff’s dad died on April 18, 2017, two years before Plaintiff met the Defendant. His marital status is recorded as “widowed”, confirming Plaintiff’s mom had passed earlier.

The filing also notes Grant’s relationship with McMahon began when she lived with her fiance and both parties knew that the other party was involved in another romantic relationship.

During their consensual relationship both Plaintiff and Defendant were aware that the other party was involved in other romantic relationships. Plaintiff lived in Park Tower in Stamford with her longtime fiancee, attorney Brian Goncalves.

Plaintiff and Goncalves were living in the same luxury building with Defendant, just four floors below, when the Parties started their affair in 2019. Plaintiff would visit Defendant’s condominium at any time, including 2:30 a.m. to pursue the affair, and then return to her condominium that night with Goncalves.

The filing notes that both parties agreed to terminate their relationship by 2022, and a non-disclosure agreement was drafted and signed. The agreement contains a clause stating that disputes will be resolved by arbitration.

The Agreement specifically stated that any disputes would be resolved by arbitration because the parties wished to “preserve and preserve the confidentiality and private nature” in any disputes arising under the Agreement. Plaintiff was represented by a legal representative who negotiated the Agreement before she signed it. When Defendant discovered that Plaintiff had violated the Agreement, despite her assurances, by wrongfully disclosing the Agreement and the relationship between them, he exercised his right to withhold any payment otherwise due under the Agreement.

Plaintiff responded by attempting to harm him. She deliberately violated the contract with her salacious and false public filing. The FAA, binding precedents of the United States Supreme Court, and Plaintiff’s agreement, however, require that if Plaintiff wants to pursue her fictitious claim, she must do it in arbitration and not in this Court. This action should be stayed until arbitration is completed.

The filing continues to refute any and all allegations against McMahon. The filing concludes by saying:

When the Complaint is adjudicated by the proper forum (arbitration), and witnesses are called to testify on oath and all communications (including those written by Plaintiff that she purposefully did not include in her Complaint), are produced, the allegations will be disproven, and Plaintiff will be exposed as a liar. Defendant should be granted the motion for all of the above reasons, and those that are listed below.

Ann Callis, Grant’s lawyer, has issued a statement about the filing made by McMahon today. Callis refutes the claim that Grant wasn’t a caregiver to her parents before she entered a relationship McMahon. She also states that Grant had no relationship with Goncalves while staying at McMahon’s apartment.

Callis said:

Vince McMahon is a master at twisting stories to fit his own shaming narrative. Janel cared for her father around the clock while he was in hospice at home. She had been caring for his blind, wheelchair-bound mom before he died. It is disgusting to use the grief of a person who has lost both her parents.

Her ex-boyfriend let her stay in the apartment while she rebuilt her life after taking care of her parents. She had no income and no other support to fall back on.

The arbitration clause in Grant’s NDA, as written today in the filing by McMahon reads:

Before taking any formal legal action, the parties agree that they will first try to resolve any disputes that may arise under or out of the Agreement, its construction or interpretation, application, performance, or breach. All parties agree that if any dispute cannot be resolved by informal means, the only and exclusive legal remedy to resolve all disputes or controversies will be to initiate binding arbitration under the Federal Arbitration Act according to the procedures of American Arbitration Association. This will take place in sealed proceedings to preserve the confidentiality and private nature of the Agreement. If and when a dispute cannot be resolved informally, the parties agree to discuss a venue for the arbitration proceeding. However, if the parties are unable to agree on a location for the arbitration proceeding, then Stamford in Connecticut will be the exclusive venue. The arbitral tribunal will determine the prevailing party and the non-prevailing side will be entitled to recover all of the attorney’s fees, costs, and expenses.

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