John Laurinaitis backs Vince McMahon’s motion in Janel grant lawsuit

May 2, 2024 | By Administrator | Filed in: Wrestling, WWE.

John Laurinaitis backs Vince McMahon's motion in Janel grant lawsuit in todays Wrestling news

John Laurinaitis backs Vince McMahon’s motion in Janel grant lawsuit in todays Wrestling news

The legal team of Laurinaitis sent out a press release on Thursday.

John Laurinaitis’ legal team released a statement supporting Vince McMahon’s motion to compel arbitral proceedings in Janel Grant’s lawsuit.

McMahon’s legal team filed on April 23 a motion requesting the court to recognize an arbitration clause within an NDA Grant and send the matter instead to an independent arbitrator. This would mean that the proceedings would be held behind closed doors.

Edward M. Brennan released the following statement Thursday on behalf of Laurinaitis.

John Laurinaitis filed a motion today, fully supporting and adopting Vince McMahon’s motion to compel arbitral proceedings. Mr. Laurinaitis publicly declares that the allegations of sexual abuse made by Ms. Grant in her Complaint were unfounded. My client will fight against these false accusations together with Mr. McMahon at the proper forum of arbitration.

Jessica Taub Rosenberg of Kasowitz Benson Torres LLP released the following statement Thursday in response to the motion filed on behalf of Laurinaitis’ legal team.

Ms. Grant filed a false and outrageous lawsuit in January 2024 to ruin the career and reputation of Mr. McMahon. She was a 43-year old woman with a law-degree who loved Mr. McMahon. Her false allegations are now slowly unraveling. Today, Mr. Laurinaitis’ attorney confirmed that his client would corroborate Mr. McMahon’s account and expose all the lies in the Complaint. Ms. Grant’s attorneys will not be able, despite their intense efforts to suppress the truth.

Laurinaitis representatives had previously stated that McMahon was the victim in this case.

“Mr. Laurinaitis, like the Plaintiff, is a victim, not a predator, in this case.” Brennan stated in a February 1 statement that the truth would come out.

Brennan’s statement suggests that McMahon and Brennan’s client will work together to defend their case.

Below is a copy of the motion to compel arbitral proceedings that Laurinaitis’ legal team filed today:

By and through his attorneys, Defendant John Laurinaitis respectfully moves this Court to order arbitration of this matter in accordance with the Federal Arbitration Act (9 U.S.C. SSSS 3, 4 for the reasons outlined in Defendant Vincent K. McMahon’s Motion to Compel Arbitration Document. Document. Defendant Laurinaitis joins in the legal arguments made therein, which are fully adopted and incorporated herein. In the event that the Motion to Compel Arbitration fails, Defendant Laurinaitis moves the Court to grant any other relief the Court deems just and proper, and to allow him to present additional and other responses, defenses or counterclaims, or affirmative defenses in response to Plaintiff’s Complaint.

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